& Found
A Space for Psychotherapy & Being

"Sometimes, when it’s quiet, surprising things happen.”
For many people, emotional pain manifests itself in varied, confusing ways. It could be in the form of debilitating mood states, unhealthy relationships, physical aches & so on. When it comes to matters of the psyche, one can't duplicate healing. Managing that pain calls for a thorough & humane method of listening, analysis & recovery. ​
Psychotherapy is an authentic attempt at entering the realm of the unresolved, the unknown, the real self & everything in between. It is NOT just about eradicating the 'symptom' but working through it so one can see where the 'symptom' is coming from & what it is saying.

Lost & Found was born out of a creative desire & a soft, mushy feeling. It is an attempt to give space to those parts of us- as patients, clinicians, & people, that were lost somewhere along the way. It is a therapeutic engagement with the complex, unconsoled self to unknot the unseen, & in that process, render healing!

What makes the practice of Psychotherapy special is the commitment, hopes & goals shared by the people involved in the process. This practice can benefit our lives in different ways, based on what we're struggling with, what we need & what we're looking for.
What we do.
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy is a recognized method of working with emotional difficulties, relational conflicts & underlying trauma. Crafted with care, it is a long-term process of diving deeper into unconscious patterns & self-awareness that can significantly alter the way we function within & out.
Therapy practiced:
Individual Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
Couple's Psychotherapy
Family Psychotherapy

I'm always looking to connect with individuals who can see me as a part of their journey!